Poltrone MidCentury in legno di noce e velluto, 1940
Stile italianissimo a cavallo del secolo scorso, esaltando il legno di noce abbinato ad un velluto molto molto elegante. Schiena molto arcuata per un design inconfondibile.
Le poltrone hanno una struttura in legno di noce, abbinata a parti, braccioli e piede laccati neri. Il tessuto che è stato utilizzato per rivestire le poltrone è un velluto con disegni geometrici blu. Molto belli e lineari i due braccioli laccati neri. Anche la base della gamba è laccata in nero, ma con l'aggiunta di quattro gambe in ottone. Le poltrone sono state ben imbottite e sono molto comode; quelli grandi accolgono molto bene la sessione. (Cm 81x100, H43/93)
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MidCentury Walnut Brass and Velvet Italian Armchairs, 1940
Very Italian style at the turn of the last century, exalting walnut wood combined with a very very elegant velvet. Very arched back for an unmistakable design.
The armchairs have a walnut wood structure, combined with black lacquered parts, armrests and foot. The fabric that was used to reupholster the armchairs is a velvet with blue geometric designs. The two black lacquered armrests are very beautiful and linear. The base of the leg is also lacquered in black, but with the addition of four brass legs. The armchairs have been well padded and are very comfortable; large ones welcome the session very well. (Cm 81x100, H43/93)
The armchair has been restored respecting the canons of the period of construction of this. The expert craftsman of our interior workshop has been able to perfectly capture the type of restoration in the wooden part, maintaining the state but perfectly re-polishing the beech wood, and making sure that the upholstery is ready for many years to come. For each piece, before the departure, a revision is redone, to make sure it arrives in excellent condition.
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